# $Id: en-GB.com_jce.ini 28/02/2008$ # JCE Project # Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Ryan Demmer. All rights reserved. # License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php # Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 # Layout Editor JCE LAYOUT NOTE =This is the Default Global Layout of the Editor buttons, used as the default layout for new Groups, and does not represent the actual user layout, which is determined by the Group Manager. JCE LAYOUT EDITOR =JCE Layout Editor - Global Layout JCE LAYOUT DESC =Each image represents an editor button. Drag and drop each button from one row to another and within rows to reorganize the layout. # Plugins PLUGIN MANAGER =JCE Plugin Manager NEW PLUGIN =New Plugin EDIT PLUGIN =Edit Plugin INSTALLER =Installer REFRESH LIST =Refresh List FOLDER =Folder PLUGIN =Plugin PLUGIN DETAILS =Plugin Details PLUGIN FILE =Plugin File PLUGIN MUST HAVE A FILENAME =Plugin must have a Filename PLUGIN MUST HAVE A NAME =Plugin must have a Name PLUGIN NAME =Plugin Name PLUGIN ORDER =Plugin Order PLUGIN PARAMETERS =Plugin Parameters PUBLISH =Enable PUBLISH ITEM =Enable Plugin PUBLISHED =Enabled NO PARAMETERS =No Parameters NO VARIABLES =No Variables SELECT A PLUGIN TO =Select a Plugin to SELECT TYPE =Select Type SITE =Site SITE PLUGIN =Site Plugin SUCCESSFULLY SAVED CHANGES TO PLUGIN =Successfully saved changes to Plugin: %s SUCCESSFULLY SAVED PLUGIN =Successfully saved Plugin: %s THERE ARE NO PARAMETERS FOR THIS ITEM =There are no Parameters for this Plugin THIS PLUGIN CANNOT BE REORDERED =This Plugin cannot be reordered UNPUBLISH =Disable UNPUBLISH ITEM =Disable Plugin UNPUBLISHED =Disabled STANDARD =Standard ADVANCED =Advanced DEFAULTS =Defaults ACCESS =Access NOT SET =Default/Not Set # Installer Installer =JCE Installer EXTENSION =Extension LANGUAGES DESC =Languages files for JCE Admin Component and JCE Editor Mambot NO CUSTOM PLUGINS =There are no custom plugins installed NO CUSTOM LANGUAGES =There are no custom languages installed NO PLUGIN EXTENSIONS =There are no plugin extensions installed EDITOR LANGUAGES =Editor Languages ADMIN LANGUAGES =Admin Languages # Config JCE CONFIGURATION =JCE Configuration CONFIGURATION =Configuration GLOBAL PARAMETERS DESC =These parameters affect all editor instances GROUP PARAMETERS DESC =These parameters act as defaults for any new Group created in the Group Manager but are overridden by a Group's own parameters. EDITOR LAYOUT =Editor Layout SCRIPT ACCESS =Script Access EDITOR OPTIONS =Editor Options PLUGIN OPTIONS =Plugin Options # Config Setup PARAM EDITOR WIDTH =Editor Width PARAM EDITOR WIDTH DESC =Width of the Editor window in % or px. Leave blank to use the original width of the textarea. PARAM EDITOR HEIGHT =Editor Height PARAM EDITOR HEIGHT DESC =Height of the Editor window in % or px. Leave blank to use the original height of the textarea. PARAM EDITOR STATE =Editor State PARAM EDITOR STATE DESC =Default Editor State - On/Off PARAM EDITOR TOGGLE TEXT =Editor Toggle Label PARAM EDITOR TOGGLE TEXT DESC =Text for the Editor Toggle link, eg: [show/hide] PARAM EDITOR TOGGLE ALLOW =Editor Toggle PARAM EDITOR TOGGLE ALLOW DESC =Allow Editor Toggling PARAM TABLE INLINE =Inline Table Editing PARAM TABLE INLINE DESC =Enable / Disable inline Table editing in Mozilla/Firefox. Useable but buggy. PARAM TEMPLATE CSS =Use Template CSS PARAM TEMPLATE CSS DESC =Use Template CSS for editor Style List and content display PARAM CSS CUSTOM =Use Custom CSS file PARAM CSS CUSTOM DESC =Use custom CSS for editor Style List and content display. You can specify the loading of a custom CSS file - simply enter the relative url of the replacement css file. The $template variable will be replaced by your active template name. PARAM TOOLBAR LOCATION =Toolbar Position PARAM TOOLBAR LOCATION DESC =Position of the Editor toolbar PARAM TOOLBAR ALIGN =Toolbar Alignment PARAM TOOLBAR ALIGN DESC =Alignment of the Editor toolbar PARAM RELATIVE =Relative URLs PARAM RELATIVE DESC =Use relative URLS for all images, links etc. in content items. Recommended. PARAM ROOT BLOCK =Force Container Element PARAM ROOT BLOCK DESC =Content not inside a container element (eg: p, div) will be inserted into the selected element type PARAM NEWLINES =Newlines PARAM NEWLINES DESC =Newlines (on enter) will be made into the selected option PARAM LINEBREAKS =Linebreaks(br) PARAM EDITOR BODY =Editor Content Class PARAM EDITOR BODY DESC =Custom class name for the editor content area. High Contrast forces black text on a white background. PARAM EDITOR BODY CLASS =Custom Editor Content Class PARAM EDITOR BODY CLASS DESC =Specify custom class if Editor Content Class is set to custom. PARAM EDITOR SKIN =Editor Skin PARAM EDITOR SKIN DESC =Skin Theme for editor PARAM EDITOR SKIN VARIANT =Editor Skin Variant PARAM EDITOR SKIN VARIANT DESC =Variation for selected skin. Only applies to o2k7 PARAM DIALOG SKIN =Popup Dialog Skin PARAM DIALOG SKIN DESC =Skin for popup dialogs PARAM EDITOR BODY CONTRAST =High Contrast PARAM EDITOR BODY CUSTOM =Custom PARAM EDITOR DEFAULT =Default PARAM LAYOUT ROWS =Layout Rows PARAM LAYOUT ROWS DESC =Number of button rows in the editor layout # Config Cleanup PARAM CLEANUP =Cleanup HTML PARAM CLEANUP DESC =Perform HTML cleanup of content, removing undeclared elements, fixing incorrect html, closing tags etc. PARAM TABLE FIX =Fix Table Elements PARAM TABLE FIX DESC =Block elements will be split into two chunks when a table is found within it to produce an XHTML valid table. See - http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Configuration/fix_table_elements PARAM LIST FIX =Fix List Elements PARAM LIST FIX DESC =List elements UL/OL converted to valid XHTML. See - http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Configuration/fix_list_elements PARAM PLUGIN MODE =Plugin Mode PARAM PLUGIN MODE DESC =If true, & and ' are not encoded when content is saved. PARAM JAVASCRIPT =Allow Javascript PARAM JAVASCRIPT DESC =Allow Javascript code insertion in HTML view PARAM ELEMENTS =Extended Elements PARAM ELEMENTS DESC =Extend JCE functionality by adding in extra elements here. Only applies if Cleanup HTML is 'Yes'. PARAM NO ELEMENTS =Prohibited Elements PARAM NO ELEMENTS DESC =Comma seperated list of prohibited elements. These will always be removed if, eg: applet PARAM EVENTS =Event Elements PARAM EVENTS DESC =This option should contain a comma separated list of elements thay may have event attributes such as onclick and simmilar. This option is needed since some browsers execute these events while editing content. PARAM PHP =Allow PHP PARAM PHP DESC =Allow PHP code insertion in HTML view # Config General PARAM HTML HEIGHT =HTML View Height PARAM HTML HEIGHT DESC =Height of the HTML View popup window PARAM HTML WIDTH =HTML View Width PARAM HTML WIDTH DESC =Width of the HTML View popup window PARAM PREVIEW HEIGHT =Preview Height PARAM PREVIEW HEIGHT DESC =Height of the Preview popup window PARAM PREVIEW WIDTH =Preview Width PARAM PREVIEW WIDTH DESC =Width of the Preview popup window PARAM CUSTOM COLORS =Custom Colors PARAM CUSTOM COLORS DESC =A comma seperated list of colors to be used by the ColorPicker, in Hex format, eg: #ff0000. PARAM CUSTOM CONFIG =Custom Configuration Variables PARAM CUSTOM CONFIG DESC =A list of custom TinyMCE configuration variables, seperated by a ';' eg: object_resizing: false; browsers: 'msie,gecko,opera'. PARAM CALLBACK =Custom Callback File PARAM CALLBACK DESC =Relative url (to site root) of file containing callback functions for TinyMCE callback commands. PARAM FONT ADD =Additional Fonts PARAM FONT ADD DESC =A list of additional fonts by family, seperated by a ; eg: Arial=arial,helvetica,sans-serif;Georgia=georgia,palatino. PARAM FONT REMOVE =Remove Fonts PARAM FONT REMOVE DESC =A list of Font Familys to remove, seperated by a ; eg: Arial;Georgia;Courier New PARAM FONT CLASSES =Font Classes PARAM FONT CLASSES DESC =Optional, comma seperated list of font classes that correspond to styles css classes in your Template stylesheet. PARAM FONT STYLES =Font Styles PARAM FONT STYLES DESC =Comma seperated list of font style values eg: 8pt,10pt,12pt,14pt,18pt,24pt,36pt PARAM BLOCK FORMAT =Block Format Elements PARAM BLOCK FORMAT DESC =A comma seperated list of block elements for the Format Select List # Config Plugins PARAM UPLOAD METHOD =Upload Method PARAM UPLOAD METHOD DESC =Method to use for file uploads, either Flash (with multiple files, progress indicator etc. Requires Flash 8+) or html PARAM FOLDER TREE =Folder Tree PARAM FOLDER TREE DESC =Use Folder Tree fro directory navigation in 'Manager' plugins PARAM UPLOAD EXISTS =Upload Conflict Methods PARAM UPLOAD EXISTS DESC =Methods available for dealing with uploaded files that already exist in the target folder PARAM UPLOAD EXISTS OVERWRITE =Overwrite Existing File PARAM UPLOAD EXISTS UNIQUE =Create Unique File Name PARAM UPLOAD EXISTS OVERWRITE PARAM UPLOAD EXISTS UNIQUE=Overwrite Existing File / Create Unique File Name PARAM UPLOAD EXISTS UNIQUE =Create Unique File Name PARAM UPLOAD EXISTS ERROR =Show Error PARAM EXTENSIONS =Permitted File Extensions PARAM EXTENSIONS DESC =List of permitted file extensions for uploading/display grouped by type, seperated by a semi-colon PLUGIN PARAMETERS DESC =Parameters for this plugin are set on a per group basis in the Group Editor. # Config Other LINEBREAKS =Linebreaks (br) PARAGRAPHS =Paragraphs (p) PARAGRAPH =Paragraph DIV =Div TOP =Top BOTTOM =Bottom EXTERNAL =External PARAM HELP URL =Help URL PARAM HELP URL DESC =Site/URL to JCE Plugin Help content # Groups GROUPS LAYOUT =Group Layout Editor GROUPS LAYOUT DESC =Drag and drop individual buttons or rows of buttons from the defualt editor layout to the Group layout. GROUP DEFAULT LAYOUT =Default Layout EDITOR LAYOUT =Editor Layout GROUPS OTHER PLUGINS =Additional Plugins GROUPS OTHER PLUGINS DESC =Plugins that do not appear in the editor layout # Manager Plugin Parameters MANAGER PARAM DIRECTORY =File Directory Path MANAGER PARAM DIRECTORY DESC =Relative path to file directory. This path can contain the variables $id, $username, $usertype and $group which will be converted into their appropriate equivalent values. MANAGER PARAM DIRECTORY CREATE =Create File Directory MANAGER PARAM DIRECTORY CREATE DESC =Create above directory on first load if it does not exist. MANAGER PARAM UPLOAD SIZE =Upload file size (KB) MANAGER PARAM UPLOAD SIZE DESC =Maximum allowed size in kilobytes of uploaded files. MANAGER VIEWABLE =Viewable Files MANAGER VIEWABLE DESC =List of files that are able to be viewed in a popup window UPLOAD =Upload UPLOAD DESC =Allow File Uploads FOLDER CREATE =Folder Create FOLDER CREATE DESC =Allow Folder Creation FOLDER DELETE =Folder Delete FOLDER DELETE DESC =Allow Folder Deletion FOLDER RENAME =Folder Rename FOLDER RENAME DESC =Allow Folder Renaming FILE DELETE =File Delete FILE DELETE DESC =Allow File Deletion FILE RENAME =File Rename FILE RENAME DESC =Allow File Renaming FILE PASTE =File Cut/Copy/Paste FILE PASTE DESC =Allow File Cut/Copy/Paste