# en-GB.com_jce.ini # JCE Project # Copyright (C) 2006 - 2008 Ryan Demmer. All rights reserved. # License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL # Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM # General HELP =Help INDEX =Index PLUGIN =Plugin MAIN =Main COMMON =Common CURRENT DIRECTORY =Current Directory DESTINATION DIRECTORY =Destination Directory REFRESH =Refresh RESET =Reset OK =OK CANCEL =Cancel CREATE =Create # Target TARGET =Target TARGET DESC =Target:: TARGET SELF =Open in this window / frame TARGET PARENT =Open in parent window / frame TARGET TOP =Open in top frame (replaces all frames) TARGET BLANK =Open in new window TARGET DESC =Target::Specifies where the link destination document will be loaded. # Alignment ALIGN =Alignment ALIGN DEFAULT =--Not Set-- ALIGN BASELINE =Baseline ALIGN TOP =Top ALIGN MIDDLE =Middle ALIGN BOTTOM =Bottom ALIGN TEXTTOP =TextTop ALIGN ABSMIDDLE =Absolute Middle ALIGN ABSBOTTOM =Absolute Bottom ALIGN LEFT =Left ALIGN RIGHT =Right ALIGN DESC =Align::Position of the element on the page or in relation to other elements. # Browser ROOT =Root BROWSE =Browse FILES =Files FOLDERS =Folders # Manager UPLOAD =Upload NEW FOLDER =New Folder DELETE FILES =Delete Files DELETE FOLDER =Delete Folder RENAME FILE =Rename File RENAME FOLDER =Rename Folder CUT FILES =Cut Files COPY FILES =Copy Files PASTE FILES =Paste Files VIEW FILE =View File # Manager Error Messages # Rename and Delete RENAME FILE ERROR =Unable to rename file! RENAME FOLDER ERROR =Unable to rename folder! DELETE FILE ERROR =Unable to delete file! DELETE FOLDER ERROR =Unable to delete folder! # Copy and Move MOVE ERROR =Unable to move file. MOVE EXISTS ERROR =A file of the same name already exists in the destination directory! COPY ERROR =Unable to move file. COPY EXISTS ERROR =A file of the same name already exists in the destination directory! # Folder NEW FOLDER ERROR =Unable to create folder! FOLDER NAME ERROR =Invalid folder name, please choose another folder name. FOLDER NOT EMPTY =Folder not empty! Please remove all files and folders inside this directory before continuing. # Upload UPLOAD ERROR =Unable to Upload file. UPLOAD EXTENSION ERROR =Unsupported file type. UPLOAD SIZE ERROR =File size exceeds maximum allowed size. UPLOAD EXISTS ERROR =A file of the same name already exists in the destination directory! # Shared URL =URL PATH =Path PATH DESC =Path::Relative location of the file, eg: images/stories/image.jpg (Required) URL DESC =URL::Relative location of the file, article or document, eg: images/stories/image.jpg (Required) TITLE =Title TITLE DESC =Title::Text to display in a simple tooltip when the mouse is placed over the element. STYLE =Style STYLE DESC =Style::List of inline css properties to be applied to the element. COLOR =Color CLASS LIST =Class List CLASS LIST DESC =Class List::List of available template css classes CLASSES =Classes CLASSES DESC =Classes::List (seperated by a space) of css classes to be applied to the element. ALT =Alternate Text ALT DESC =Alternate Text::A short description of the image (XHTML/WAI 508 Required) CLEAR =Clear CLEAR DESC =Clear::Sides of the element where other elements cannot be situated. NOT SET =--Not Set-- LANGUAGE DIRECTION =Language Direction LANGUAGE DIRECTION DESC =Language Direction::Text direction of the element LANGUAGE CODE =Language Code LANGUAGE CODE DESC =Language Code::Language code of the element, eg: en-GB ID =Id ID DESC =Id::Unique identifier that distinguishes the element from others in the document. LTR =Left to Right RTL =Right to Left ACCESSKEY =Access Key ACCESSKEY DESC =Access Key::Keyboard shortcut to access the element TABINDEX =Tab Index TABINDEX DESC =Tab Index::Tab order of the element ALIGNMENT =Alignment WIDTH =Width HEIGHT =Height DIMENSIONS =Dimensions DIMENSIONS DESC =Dimensions::Width and Height of the element in pixels. PROPORTIONAL =Proportional GENERAL TAB =General ADVANCED TAB =Advanced EVENTS TAB =Events ADDRESS =Address ANCHORS =Anchors USEMAP =Image Map USEMAP DESC =Image Map::Id of associated image map, eg: #map LONGDESC =Long Description LONGDESC DESC =Long Description::Url to a document containing a detailed description of the image. MOUSEOVER =Mouseover MOUSEOVER DESC =Mouseover::Image to be displayed when the mouse is over the element MOUSEOUT =Mouseout MOUSEOUT DESC =Mouseout::Image to be displayed when the mouse is not over the element ROLLOVER ENABLE DESC =Enable Rollover::Click to enable image rollover. ARTICLE IMAGE =Article Image ROLLOVER IMAGE =Rollover Image BORDER =Border BORDER DESC =Border::Creates a border around an element with the selected parameters BORDER THIN =thin BORDER THICK =thick BORDER MEDIUM =medium BORDER NONE =none BORDER SOLID =solid BORDER DASHED =dashed BORDER DOTTED =dotted BORDER DOUBLE =double BORDER GROOVE =groove BORDER INSET =inset BORDER OUTSET =outset BORDER RIDGE =ridge MARGIN =Margin MARGIN DESC =Margin::Space between the element and adjacent elements or text. # Editor Help HELP ABOUT =About JCE HELP INTERFACE =About the Interface HELP START =Getting Started HELP BUTTONS =Buttons Overview HELP PLUGINS =Plugins Overview HELP LICENCE =Licence HELP ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS =Acknowledgements # File Type Groups IMAGES =Images IMAGE =Image FILES =Files ALL FILES =All Files WORD =Word EXCEL =Excel ACROBAT =PDF TEXT =Text RTF =Rich Text Format HTML =HTML PHP =PHP FLASH =Flash WINDOWSMEDIA =Windows Media Player QUICKTIME =Quicktime REAL =Real Media DIVX =DivX SHOCKWAVE =Shockwave POWERPOINT =Powerpoint ARCHIVE =Archive WINRAR =RAR XML =XML OPENOFFICE =Open Office AUDIO =Audio VIDEO =Video